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Christian Who Rejects The Trinity Crossword Clue

Christian Who Rejects The Trinity Crossword Clue

Who is a Christian who rejects the Trinity?

A Christian who rejects the Trinity is someone who does not believe that God is three persons in one being: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. This is in contrast to the orthodox Christian belief, which is based on the doctrine of the Trinity, which states that God is three persons in one being. Christians who reject the Trinity are often called "non-Trinitarians" or "Unitarians." They believe that God is one person, not three, and that Jesus is not God but a created being.

What are the beliefs of Christians who reject the Trinity?

Christians who reject the Trinity believe that God is one person, not three. They believe that Jesus is not God but a created being, and that the Holy Spirit is not a person but a force or power. They often cite passages from the Bible that they believe support their view, such as John 14:28, which says, "The Father is greater than I." They also argue that the doctrine of the Trinity is not found in the Bible and was developed later by the church.

Why do Christians reject the Trinity?

There are many reasons why Christians reject the Trinity. Some believe that it is not biblical, while others believe that it is too complex or confusing. Still others believe that it is not necessary to believe in the Trinity in order to be a Christian. Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to believe in the Trinity is a personal one.

What are the implications of rejecting the Trinity?

Rejecting the Trinity has a number of implications for Christian beliefs. First, it means that Christians who reject the Trinity do not believe that Jesus is God. This has implications for their understanding of salvation, as they do not believe that Jesus died on the cross to atone for their sins. Second, rejecting the Trinity means that Christians who reject it do not believe in the Holy Spirit. This has implications for their understanding of the Christian life, as they do not believe that the Holy Spirit indwells believers and empowers them to live a Christian life.


Rejecting the Trinity is a serious decision with a number of implications. Christians who reject the Trinity should be aware of these implications before making a decision about whether or not to believe in the Trinity.
